The Three Cities Trilogy:Paris(英文版)精彩閲讀 明星、都市言情、言情 最新章節無彈窗

時間:2017-08-08 15:46 /都市小説 / 編輯:雲若
熱門小説《The Three Cities Trilogy:Paris(英文版)》由Emile Zola傾心創作的一本近代現代、純愛、耽美風格的小説,本小説的主角慕that,had,as,內容主要講述:stepped forward, his hands outstretched: "Ah! my dear President, why didyou...

The Three Cities Trilogy:Paris(英文版)




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stepped forward, his hands outstretched: "Ah! my dear President, why didyou put yourself out to come here? I would have called on you if I hadknown that you wished to see me."

But with an impatient gesture Barroux brushed aside all question ofetiquette. "No, no! I was taking my usual stroll in the Champs Elysees,and the worries of the situation impressed me so keenly that I preferredto come here at once. You yourself must realise that we can't put up withwhat is taking place. And pending to-morrow morning's council, when weshall have to arrange a plan of defence, I felt that there was goodreason for us to talk things over."He took an armchair, and Monferrand on his side rolled another forward soas to seat himself with his back to the light. Whilst Barroux, the elderof the pair by ten years, blanched and solemn, with a handsome face,snowy whiskers, clean-shaven chin and upper-lip, retained all the dignityof power, the bearing of a Conventionnel of romantic views, who sought tomagnify the simple loyalty of a rather foolish but good-hearted_bourgeois_ nature into something great; the other, beneath his heavycommon countenance and feigned frankness and simplicity, concealedunknown depths, the unfathomable soul of a shrewd enjoyer and despot whowas alike pitiless and unscrupulous in attaining his ends.For a moment Barroux drew breath, for in reality he was greatly moved,his blood rising to his head, and his heart beating with indignation andanger at the thought of all the vulgar insults which the "Voix du Peuple"had poured upon him again that morning. "Come, my dear colleague," saidhe, "one must stop that scandalous campaign. Moreover, you can realisewhat awaits us at the Chamber to-morrow. Now that the famous list hasbeen published we shall have every malcontent up in arms. Vignon isbestirring himself already--"

"Ah! you have news of Vignon?" exclaimed Monferrand, becoming veryattentive.

"Well, as I passed his door just now, I saw a string of cabs waitingthere. All his creatures have been on the move since yesterday, and atleast twenty persons have told me that the band is already dividing thespoils. For, as you must know, the fierce and ingenuous Mege is againgoing to pull the chestnuts out of the fire for others. Briefly, we aredead, and the others claim that they are going to bury us in mud beforethey fight over our leavings." With his arm outstretched Barroux made atheatrical gesture, and his voice resounded as if he were in the tribune.Nevertheless, his emotion was real, tears even were coming to his eyes."To think that I who have given my whole life to the Republic, I whofounded it, who saved it, should be covered with insults in this fashion,and obliged to defend myself against abominable charges! To say that Iabused my trust! That I sold myself and took 200,000 francs from that manHunter, simply to slip them into my pocket! Well, certainly there _was_ aquestion of 200,000 francs between us. But how and under whatcircumstances? They were doubtless the same as in your case, with regardto the 80,000 francs that he is said to have handed you--"But Monferrand interrupted his colleague in a clear trenchant voice: "Henever handed me a centime."

The other looked at him in astonishment, but could only see his big,

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The Three Cities Trilogy:Paris(英文版)

The Three Cities Trilogy:Paris(英文版)

作者:Emile Zola 類型:都市小説 完結: 是
